Like a lot of guys and girls, I am a sports fan. This past weekend I had the opportunity to experience the NCAA final 4 in women’s volleyball. There are a lot of good athletes across the country but the top teams always seem to float to the surface. The same goes for college football and basketball. Certain programs create teams that over achieve and rise to that championship level. The coaches and program leaders have found the key to being the perennial powerhouse. Nick Saban at Alabama football has it, Geno Auriemma at the helm of U Conn women’s basketball has it, and Nebraska volleyball coach John Cook has got it. These coaches have developed their own systems which develop winners. The list could go on and on as there are many great coaches who are learning the secrets and competing at a very high level. Great teams don’t copy the good teams, they innovate new ways of doing things. They overcome outside challenges and internal strife. They have each other’s backs.
We watch this competition as entertainment, but companies are in competition for your business every day. NACHURS liquid fertilizer has been the elite competitor for N, P, K starter fertilizers, foliar feeds, and micronutrients since 1946. There are many fertilizer companies making similar products and selling them cheap. From the beginning NACHURS fertilizer has used the best raw materials to create top of the line products. We have top notch employees working in very diverse jobs from support staff to sales, industrial to agriculture. Top to bottom we are creating a product we can be proud of and stand behind. Not all fertilizer companies can say that. There are new technologies and products coming to the market and NACHURS is leading the charge with Bio-K, Rhyzo-Link, Aqua-Tech and Procote from Yara. A true championship team doesn’t just copy the greats. There is a reason NACHURS might be a little more expensive; we are leaders and we compete. Ask why we are different, I hope you have time for the answer.
Competition is great for everybody involved, and those that compete at the highest level can be truly inspirational. Don’t just settle for good enough.